Wednesday, April 13, 2011

El-Ahrairah - The Blessing [MC] (2010)

Download via MegaUpload

second demo


  1. i'm on my second time through and it's wonderful. smoking gdp during suffer... some of those drum loops drug me into the forest

  2. I love how everyone hears completely different things in our noise tracks.

  3. "source of sound" being obscure creates extraordinary noise results. dick!

  4. Wasn't meaning to be a dick. I actually do think it's cool how everyone hears something different. On that Rotted Roots tape, the guy who released it said that their was vocals on it in his little promo piece about it. Funny thing is there were no vocals on that second track.

  5. hahaha I wasn't being serious I assure you....source of sound fucks people up a good amount, if they are unsure of what exactly is going on and how it is being made then your mind slips a little more open (for the taking)

  6. How does one smoke Gross Domestic Product, anyway?

  7. there are various glass and paper pieces that are able to hold it properly, grind up carefully and scrape the crystals off your fingers, pack it down, light it on fire.

  8. You're never going to get an answer for what was actually meant.
